Friday, February 6, 2009

Relieving Stress.

How are some ways you can relieve your stress?

For every person, relieving stress is different. Different situations for different individuals cause varying levels of emotional and sometimes physical stress/strain. Not only that but some situations make your body so strained or stress that sometimes it's hard to part yourself from that situation at hand (i.e. verbal arguing/attacking); but that usually is the cause of adrenaline and the superiority complex (where one has to be the domineering and won't admit defeat).
Some common ways of relieving stress:
2) Going for a walk
3) Reading a book
4) Taking a long bath/shower/bubble bath
5) Punching something...Preferably a punching bag but if you don't have one then punch pillows or a bed. Restrain from physical attacks on other people or hard surfaces such as walls and tables, and especially restrain from physical attacks against out animal friends
6) Writing...In a diary or just on a piece of paper.
7) Crying...Sometimes it's unavoidable but afterwords you feel better.
You might have other ways of dealing with stress that help you and could help others so feel free to leave comments about how you relieve stress. it might just help someone.

I have different ways of relieving stress for different situations I encounter such as: fights with friends compared to fights with family or getting bad tests scores compared to incompetency at work. Some ways I relieve stress that you can find useful (and yes I will explain each one in detail):
1) When stress occurs when I am at my mom's house (since my parents are divorced), something I do is called "the burning away of stress and pain." My mom has a fireplace at her house and don't worry I don't do anything to me or anyone else. All I do it write what's making me so stressed or strung out then we do like a little ritual and burn the paper with all that stress and it usually makes me feel better, it's literally like I am burning that stress and pain away so that's why I called it "the burning away of stress and pain."
2) My dad lives practically out in the middle of nowhere and he always has wood that needs to be chopped, when I am really angry and feel like pounding or splitting something I go outback to split and chop the logs he has to get my stress to go away. He leaves me wood on purpose because he knows that I do it to relieve stress instead of going and hurting the person that's making me angry or attacking someone who's not related to the problem in any way. Plus he uses the wood when we go camping or he starts a bonfire.
3) I personally love to take bubble baths, this usually only works for me if I am trying to relieve like a bad day at work
4) I have a pretty overruling brother and I try to avoid fights with him, but as we all know with siblings, sometimes it's just not possible. When we get in fights and I know I need to cool down and think rationally about it I pull myself from the fight and walk off my steam and cool down.
5) When I can't do any of the above I resort to reading or on rarer occasions, punching the heck out of my pillow.
6) But sometimes all you need to do is have yourself a good long cry. I know I do, I admit that I do. I am only human after all. There's something to crying that when it's done you just feel better, even if only a little.
I always tell people to turn your negative energy and thoughts into positive energy, thoughts, and actions. It's pretty hard to do but it's my believe that if you force yourself to do it, that after repitition it will become a habit and you will be able to do it unconciously. This could prove very useful in the future. Stay safe and relax when you can. Let the little things slide and worry about the big stuff.

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