Thursday, February 12, 2009


Who are the heroes in your life? I want to hear more about how people became the person they are today and one good way of doing that is by asking who their hero and/or heroes are. Not only is it a good chance to think and reflect on who has helped you the most but it gives you a chance to become more aware of their existence and be grateful towards them

My Hero(es):
Let me note that this blog is written how I normally would write things granted the time allotted and other circumstances involved. If you have read any of my earlier posts, you will indeed notice the difference in my writing styles. Just wanted to make that known before my post was read, since I know some people are continuous readers of my blog.

There are many people who can be called heroes in this world, but for one to call another that on a personal level is due to their views. Most people choose their parents are their heroes simply because they are their parents and without them, they wouldn't have life. That is fine and dandy, but to me, that does not make a hero. People who I encounter in my life can be heroes in their own sense. Each has come into my life at the right time, the right moment, to give me guidance, support, and to point me in the right direction without making me be something I am not. Whether I choose to listen or follow it is a different story. To me, a hero does not have to be strong in the traditional sense. There are various forms of strength: spiritual, emotional, physical. To judge if someone is a hero based on strength alone is foolish. Some of my heroes may not be strong, but what they lack in strength, they make up in other areas such as wisdom and talent.

If I were to choose who my biggest hero is, I honestly cannot do it. Rather, the people I look up to the most because they are one of my heroes and they are there for me more often would have to be my three most precious people in the world who have made me the person I am today. I am following suit with others here in choosing my parents but not solely because they gave life to me. Countless times they have shown me strength, wisdom, and talent; although not in the normal way a parent would. My Dad, through his faults, taught me endurance, acceptance, change, and deceitfulness. My Mom, in her strength, showed me loyalty, creativeness, being open minded, and kindness. Both of them showed me love but of course as with any parent or in fact, with any individual, they did it in their own unique ways. My third most important person is someone I spent numerous hours with; in fact, when we were younger we were practically inseparable. My Cousin David would have to be my most precious person above even my parents. I am embarrassed to admit but my childhood was quite rocky compared to other children my age. It is thanks to my experiences from that and how my parents handled it and such that I learned from them and grew. How this pertains to my cousin is because he was the person there for me the most. When I was sad he could make me smile and when I was hurt he would know just what to say to make my day better. We were best friends and our bond was deeper than most others. It's like we could sense each other's happiness or sadness and what not. Unfortunately, he is no longer here by my side or anyone elses for that matter. In his life, he protected me, showed me safety, friendship, understanding, and that family is the MOST important thing anyone can have no matter what. With his death, he showed me that not all is what it seems, that life itself is fickle and to not take anything for granted, and that even when one is gone physically, they are not truly gone. Your memories of them, experiences with them, a bond; those can never be taken away from you.

My heroes may not be superheroes or always make the best choices. They have their faults, their bad times and their good times. That is more real and more important to me than strength showed by physical appearance or whatever else tradition dictates as strength. That is why my heroes are so close to my heart. They are pretty much just normal people who surround me in my everyday life. Whether it is a once in a lifetime meeting or a bond that lasts eternity, they are my heroes. The best part about them is that they each have taught me something and have let me learn both from my own experience and theirs. They have let me grow and expand in my own way and not a mold that needs to be filled perfectly. My heroes are my heroes because they made me, me. I am glad to have met the people I have in any situation I have encountered. If given the chance to change something in my life or to live again in a different way, I would say no because my heroes have shown me that there will always be good times and there will always be bad times. Sometimes it is balanced and other times it is not, but as each day passes you grow from your experiences and encounters that occur. I am grateful to have heroes in everyone I meet and most importantly in the people I cherish the most.

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