Monday, August 10, 2009

No way, no how.

sorry about not posting any advice for a while despite posting normally on my other blog. I haven't been focusing as far advice and things go. Not saying there's too much going on my mind when there is because I usually can fit time in to do things like this, but there have been some major things that are keeping my mind distracted.

One such thing is a horse that I grew up with (so I had since birth) she was down for a bit over half a day. She's 32 so she is old but it's frightening to be getting that realization that she is old like that. I was out of town during the time it happened and my dad didn't tell me until a couple of days a ago for whatever reason he had, although the incident happened well over a month ago. He was able to get my horse, Swabby, back up to her feet and walking around so that's good but it's scary for me to know that my horse is getting so old that she is having trouble standing. I am thinking that if she is having that many problems and that much pain in her legs then I think it would be better to euthanize her because it's not right to leave her in pain but I will wait to see if she has another episode like she did to be sure enough to make a BIG decision like euthanasia.
This is my best friend and in a sense my sister because we have spent so much time together but animals do age different and when I was born she was retired from race horsing and was already at the age of 13 so she is old. Horses normally only live to be 19 years old. I am glad to have been able to grow, live, and spend the time with Swabby. I will continue to spend time with her until that time comes and when that day comes that she will either have to be euthanized or she is dying naturally (because there are signs that they are dying) then I will be at her side and tell her that "it's ok and to not be afraid and that I will miss her with all my heart but she has taught me to be strong and that I am glad to have been there with her and in somecases for her. I will tell her that it's ok for her to let go and that although my heart will be missing you, I will be strong and take each day as it comes and never gives up. That she shouldn't force herself to keep living on just for my sake" I know that is a reason why she has lived so long because we have a very close bond and it sounds silly and I don't know hwo to explain it but that's what I know in my heart to be true, it's as if she herself is telling me that it's that way. Well enough about that. let's talk about a happier tune before I break down into tears. heh heh hehe.

I do have advice for today based on something that happened recently, I don't really know how to put it in question for but I guess the question would be something like Where would be the best place to leave my kids (w/ a nanny/babysitter) if me and my significant other want to go on a little trip?

Well first off, I am raised where if you have kids...wou're in it for the long haul. yeah you can take small breaks away from them but you chose to have kids therefore chose to devote yourselves to them so I think it's selfish to go by yourselves. My parents took us EVERYWHERE with them when they took trips (unless dad was going on a business trip). I guess some families do that where the parents take a trip to get away from the kids but if you are someone like this and are new to the experience let me tell you some things that you might want to do based on my experience. Depending on the age of the child(ren) you probably want to get someone to watch them at their house so that everything is more accessible like baby formula, diapers, bottles but I disagree with the notion of having someone stay at your house with your kids because it's a bit harder on the kids if you are gone that long. If you are going to have your kids stay at someone's house you better know that person darn well. Kids are a bit more resiliant than people realize so taking them out of their environment, their home, while the parents are away isn't a bad thing to do because kids know the different environments they are at and have visited before and when a kid is in his home environment where the parents are absent for let's say 4 days, a child will know that you aren't there and will WAIT for you when you normally come home.

Let me give you an example of that (that is something that happened to me): One summer when I was 12 I did babysitting and one lady I babysat for had 3 kids, ages 8, 5, and an 18 month old. she was in the middle of a seperation with her husband so he wasn't there and she was a major partier she is one of those parents who loves their kids but doesn't really want the responsibility of them. I ended up staying there for a month (with constant contact of my mother) taking care of her kids while she partied, everytime I tried her phone it was too loud of a background to understand her and I know she came home at nights when people were asleep because there was a note and money left for food or items the kids needed. So for one month I took care of her kids but everynight the kids would ask where mommy is and the 18 month old would wait by the door and would say mama which signified to me that he was waiting for her. And everytime I would take them to my house for the day with all the appropriate things they needed (because I lived just down the street) they would seem to forget that mommy wasn't there and she doesn't return to this place.

So I think it is a good thing to leave your kid with your family or the person you really really know and trust if you are going to be gone for so long because if they are at someone elses house, although at first it will take some getting used to, they aren't counting the days so to speak. Kids remember things you don't want them to and to a kid, if they remember their mommy and daddy not being their for so long they will grow up thinking that mommy and daddy don't care about me. Always explain things to your kids even when they are at those ages that you think they don't understand. I myself grew up having a seperation anxiety because my dad always had to leave on business trips and was in the army for the first few years of my life. Even though mom was there it was still very hard. It's always good to create another safe place for your child for times when you are gone that way when you are back they know that they have another place to turn to. So that's just my thoughts and advice for this subject hopefully you found it useful. If you have some other options or ideas on this subject then please leave comments I would love to hear them.